100 Reasons to Celebrate Welsh History
Welsh history and achievements to glory in rather than grizzle about. What have we Welsh ever given to the world? For starters, mail order, sleeping bags, essential features of the internet, the first powered flight, presidents, prime ministers and Nobel prize-winners.
Cyfrol yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am hanes Cymru a chyflawniadau arbennig y Cymry. Beth mae'r genedl fechan hon wedi'i gyfrannu i'r byd? Dyma rai ohonynt: archebion drwy'r post, sachau cysgu, nodweddion allweddol ar y rhyngrwyd, yr hedfaniad cyntaf wedi'i phweru, arlywyddion, prif weinidogion ac enillwyr Gwobr Nobel.