I Can Hear the Cuckoo

£18.99 GBP

Life in the wilds of Wales

Kiran Sidhu never thought she could leave London, but when her mother passes away, she knows she has to walk out of her old life and leave her toxic family behind. She chooses fresh air, an auditorium of silence and the purity of the natural world - and soon arrives in Cellan, a small, remote village nestled in the Welsh valleys.

Doedd Kiran Sidhu ddim yn meddwl y gallai adael Llundain fyth, ond pan fu farw ei mam, gwyddai fod yn rhaid iddi droi cefn ar ei bywyd blaenorol a'i theulu tocsig. Dewisodd awyr iach, neuadd o dawelwch a phurdeb byd natur. Cyn hir, cyrhaeddodd bentref bychan, anghysbell Cellan yn un o gymoedd cefn gwlad Cymru.

Format: Paperback, 198x127 mm, 320 pages

Language: English