A Childs Christmas in Wales
Dylan Thomas' nostalgic account of his childhood Christmas in a Welsh town is one of his most popular works. A gorgeously illustrated new edition of this lyrical 1952 classic, featuring popular Swansea artist John Upton's illustrations of the very house Thomas grew up in on Cwmdonkin Drive, Swansea.
Mae cofnod telynegol Dylan Thomas o Nadoligau ei blentyndod mewn tref Gymreig yn un o'i weithiau mwyaf poblogaidd. Yn yr argraffiad newydd hwn o'r clasur o 1952, a ddarluniwyd yn chwaethus, ceir arlunwaith John Upton o'r union dŷ lle cafodd Dylan Thomas ei fagu yn Cwmdonkin Drive, Abertawe.
Illustrated by John Upton
Format: Hardback, 218x156 mm, 64 pages
Language: English