Fletcher and The Summer Show

£7.99 GBP

As summer begins, the wood comes alive with new sounds, but without a distinctive one of her own to join in with, Rabbit feels left out. With the help of his friends, Fletcher the fox decides to put on a show where everyone's talents can shine - including Rabbit. The second of four Fletcher titles themed around the passing seasons.

Wrth i'r haf gychwyn, daw'r goedwig yn fyw gyda synau newydd, ond mae Cwningen yn siomedig nad oes ganddi ei sain unigryw ei hun. Gyda help ei ffrindiau, mae Fletcher y llwynog yn trefnu sioe lle caiff pawb - yn cynnwys Cwningen - arddangos eu doniau. Yr ail deitl mewn cyfres stori-a-llun am dro'r tymhorau.

Written by Julia Rawlinson

Illustrated by Tiphanie Beeke

Format: Paperback, 250x200 mm, 32 pages

Language: English