Dragon Gold

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Dragon Gold
Shoo Rayner

What would you do if there was a competition to make a dragon fly? Harry would love to know what it feels like to win, just once, but there's no chance. Ryan always wins everything, thanks to his incredibly competitive dad. But then someone almost invisible walks into Harry's mum's North Wales shop ... maybe a little magic will help.

Byddai Harri wrth ei fodd petae yn llwyddo i ennill rhywbeth, dim ond un waith. Ond Ryan a'i dad cystadleuol sydd wastad yn ennill popeth! Un diwrnod, daw gwrach anweledig i siop ei fam, a gyda chymorth ei hud a'i lledrith, mae Harri yn gobeithio y daw llwyddiant i'w ran wrth iddo baratoi ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth ddiweddaraf - peri i ddraig hedfan!

Suitable for age 7-9 or Key Stage 2

Format: Paperback, 198x126 mm, 160 pages

Language: English